Apologies that Carol produced a different blog address for our 2014 travels but it makes sense to just continue adding posts on to this site ad infinitum - oh yes dear reader you are to be subjected to our verbal ramblings for ever more!!....
And so to 2015...
At last we are planning our next trip in Rex. Due to various family circumstances we were unable to get to Alsace Lorraine last year but all being well we will be setting off for a month from Weds 6th May.
We are travelling on the ferry Hull - Zeebrugge overnight and then plan to travel through Belgium on to Luxembourg for an overnight stop over. Then we hope to meander through Alsace and hope to dip our toes in to Switzerland.
In preparation Graham has fitted cab blinds to the windscreen and side windows as we found the cab got very hot when parked up last year.
We are having an awning fitted a few days before we depart.
Carol has got a reclining chair! Yes oh yes ! Graham says he is happy to continue to use the old camping chair which has served him well so far ( his loss - C )
Still debating whether to take table cloth and ground cover for awning. ( see musings previous blog from Poitou Charente)
We will aim to download our rambling thoughts and observations weekly as previous blogs.
Alors au revoir et à la prochaine.